Public Function CheckPrinter(PrinterStr As String, JobStr As String) As String Dim hPrinter As Long Dim ByteBuf As Long Dim BytesNeeded As Long Dim PI2 As PRINTER_INFO_2 Dim JI2 As JOB_INFO_2 Dim PrinterInfo() As Byte Dim JobInfo() As Byte Dim result As Long Dim LastError As Long Dim PrinterName As String Dim tempStr As String Dim NumJI2 As Long Dim pDefaults As PRINTER_DEFAULTS Dim I As Integer 'Set a default return value if no errors occur. CheckPrinter = "Printer info retrieved" 'NOTE: You can pick a printer from the Printers Collection 'or use the EnumPrinters() API to select a printer name. 'Use the default printer of Printers collection. 'This is typically, but not always, the system default printer. [color=#FF0000] 'Ovdje kopira ime printera iz tabele[/color] PrinterName = "\\SERVER\Samsung ML-1640 Series" 'Set desired access security setting. pDefaults.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ACCESS_USE 'Call API to get a handle to the printer. result = OpenPrinter(PrinterName, hPrinter, pDefaults) If result = 0 Then 'If an error occurred, display an error and exit sub. CheckPrinter = "Cannot open printer " & PrinterName & _ ", Error: " & Err.LastDllError Exit Function End If 'Init BytesNeeded BytesNeeded = 0 'Clear the error object of any errors. Err.Clear 'Determine the buffer size that is needed to get printer info. result = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, 0&, 0&, BytesNeeded) 'Check for error calling GetPrinter. If Err.LastDllError <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Then 'Display an error message, close printer, and exit sub. CheckPrinter = " > GetPrinter Failed on initial call! <" ClosePrinter hPrinter Exit Function End If 'Note that in Charles Petzold's book "Programming Windows 95," he 'states that because of a problem with GetPrinter on Windows 95 only, you 'must allocate a buffer as much as three times larger than the value 'returned by the initial call to GetPrinter. This is not done here. ReDim PrinterInfo(1 To BytesNeeded) ByteBuf = BytesNeeded 'Call GetPrinter to get the status. result = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, PrinterInfo(1), ByteBuf, _ BytesNeeded) 'Check for errors. If result = 0 Then 'Determine the error that occurred. LastError = Err.LastDllError() 'Display error message, close printer, and exit sub. CheckPrinter = "Couldn't get Printer Status! Error = " _ & LastError ClosePrinter hPrinter Exit Function End If 'Copy contents of printer status byte array into a 'PRINTER_INFO_2 structure to separate the individual elements. CopyMemory PI2, PrinterInfo(1), Len(PI2) 'Check if printer is in ready state. PrinterStr = CheckPrinterStatus(PI2.Status) 'Add printer name, driver, and port to list. PrinterStr = PrinterStr & "Printer Name = " & _ GetString(PI2.pPrinterName) & vbCrLf PrinterStr = PrinterStr & "Printer Driver Name = " & _ GetString(PI2.pDriverName) & vbCrLf PrinterStr = PrinterStr & "Printer Port Name = " & _ GetString(PI2.pPortName) & vbCrLf 'Call API to get size of buffer that is needed. result = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0&, &HFFFFFFFF, 2, ByVal 0&, 0&, _ BytesNeeded, NumJI2) 'Check if there are no current jobs, and then display appropriate message. If BytesNeeded = 0 Then JobStr = "No Print Jobs!" Else 'Redim byte array to hold info about print job. ReDim JobInfo(0 To BytesNeeded) 'Call API to get print job info. result = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0&, &HFFFFFFFF, 2, JobInfo(0), _ BytesNeeded, ByteBuf, NumJI2) 'Check for errors. If result = 0 Then 'Get and display error, close printer, and exit sub. LastError = Err.LastDllError CheckPrinter = " > EnumJobs Failed on second call! < Error = " _ & LastError ClosePrinter hPrinter Exit Function End If 'Copy contents of print job info byte array into a 'JOB_INFO_2 structure to separate the individual elements. For I = 0 To NumJI2 - 1 ' Loop through jobs and walk the buffer CopyMemory JI2, JobInfo(I * Len(JI2)), Len(JI2) ' List info available on Jobs. Debug.Print "Job ID" & vbTab & JI2.JobId Debug.Print "Name Of Printer" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pPrinterName) Debug.Print "Name Of Machine That Created Job" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pMachineName) Debug.Print "Print Job Owner's Name" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pUserName) Debug.Print "Name Of Document" & vbTab & GetString(JI2.pDocument) Debug.Print "Name Of User To Notify" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pNotifyName) Debug.Print "Type Of Data" & vbTab & GetString(JI2.pDatatype) Debug.Print "Print Processor" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pPrintProcessor) Debug.Print "Print Processor Parameters" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pParameters) Debug.Print "Print Driver Name" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pDriverName) Debug.Print "Print Job 'P' Status" & vbTab & _ GetString(JI2.pStatus) Debug.Print "Print Job Status" & vbTab & JI2.Status Debug.Print "Print Job Priority" & vbTab & JI2.Priority Debug.Print "Position in Queue" & vbTab & JI2.Position Debug.Print "Earliest Time Job Can Be Printed" & vbTab & _ JI2.StartTime Debug.Print "Latest Time Job Will Be Printed" & vbTab & _ JI2.UntilTime Debug.Print "Total Pages For Entire Job" & vbTab & JI2.TotalPages Debug.Print "Size of Job In Bytes" & vbTab & JI2.Size 'Because of a bug in Windows NT 3.51, the time member is not set correctly. 'Therefore, do not use the time member on Windows NT 3.51. Debug.Print "Elapsed Print Time" & vbTab & JI2.time Debug.Print "Pages Printed So Far" & vbTab & JI2.PagesPrinted 'Display basic job status info. JobStr = JobStr & "Job ID = " & JI2.JobId & _ vbCrLf & "Total Pages = " & JI2.TotalPages & vbCrLf tempStr = "" 'Clear 'Check for a ready state. If JI2.pStatus = 0& Then ' If pStatus is Null, check Status. If JI2.Status = 0 Then tempStr = tempStr & "Ready! " & vbCrLf Else 'Check for the various print job states. If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_SPOOLING) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Spooling " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Off line " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_PAUSED) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Paused " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_ERROR) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Error " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Paper Out " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_PRINTING) Then tempStr = tempStr & "Printing " End If If (JI2.Status And JOB_STATUS_USER_INTERVENTION) Then tempStr = tempStr & "User Intervention Needed " End If If Len(tempStr) = 0 Then tempStr = "Unknown Status of " & JI2.Status End If End If Else ' Dereference pStatus. tempStr = PtrCtoVbString(JI2.pStatus) End If 'Report the Job status. JobStr = JobStr & tempStr & vbCrLf Debug.Print JobStr & tempStr Next I End If 'Close the printer handle. ClosePrinter hPrinter End Function