Function Kalendar() Dim WKS As Worksheet Dim StrMjesec As String Dim Mjesec As Integer Dim Adresa(1 To 2) As String Dim Polje As Range Dim Red(1 To 2) As Integer Dim Kolona(1 To 2) As Integer Dim K(1 To 2) As Integer Dim Celija As Range Dim Dan As Integer Dim Datum As Date Dim Ime As String Set WKS = Worksheets.Add Ime = "Kalendar" & Mid(WKS.Name, 6) WKS.Name = Ime ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False With Cells .ColumnWidth = 6# .Font.Size = 8 End With K(2) = 1 For Mjesec = 1 To 12 StrMjesec = Choose(Mjesec, "Januar", "Februar", "Mart", "April", "Maj", "Juni", "Juli", _ "August", "Septembar", "Oktobar", "Novembar", "Decembar") K(1) = Mjesec Mod 3 If K(1) = 0 Then K(1) = 3 Kolona(2) = K(1) * 7 Kolona(1) = Kolona(2) - 6 Red(2) = K(2) * 8 Red(1) = Red(2) - 7 Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(1), Kolona(1)) Adresa(1) = Polje.Address Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(1), Kolona(2)) Adresa(2) = Polje.Address Set Polje = Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)) Polje.Merge Polje.Value = StrMjesec Polje.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Polje.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Polje.Font.Bold = True Polje.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlContinuous Red(1) = Red(1) + 1 Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(1), Kolona(1)) Adresa(1) = Polje.Address Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(1), Kolona(2)) Adresa(2) = Polje.Address Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)).BorderAround LineStyle:=xlContinuous Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1 Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)).Font.ColorIndex = 2 Dan = 0 For Each Celija In Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)) Dan = Dan + 1 Datum = DateSerial(Year(Date), Mjesec, Dan) With Celija .Value = Datum .NumberFormat = "ddd" End With Next Celija Red(1) = Red(1) + 1 Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(1), Kolona(1)) Adresa(1) = Polje.Address Set Polje = WKS.Cells(Red(2), Kolona(2)) Adresa(2) = Polje.Address Dan = 0 Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)).BorderAround LineStyle:=xlContinuous Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 For Each Celija In Range(Adresa(1), Adresa(2)) Dan = Dan + 1 Datum = DateSerial(Year(Date), Mjesec, Dan) If Month(Datum) = Mjesec Then With Celija .Value = Datum .NumberFormat = "dd" If Datum = Date Then Celija.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlContinuous 'Celija.Interior.ColorIndex = 9 Celija.Select End If End With End If Next Celija If K(1) = 3 Then K(2) = K(2) + 1 End If Next Mjesec End Function