Sub HTML_Table_To_Excel() Dim htm As Object Dim tr As Object Dim td As Object Dim Tab1 As Object Column_Num_To_Start = 1 iRow = 2 iCol = Column_Num_To_Start iTable = 0 '1-31 For dan = 1 To 31 'bez ovoga radi 'Replace the URL of the webpage that you want to download 'Web_URL = "" Web_URL = "" & dan & "/" 'Create HTMLFile Object Set HTML_Content = CreateObject("htmlfile") 'Get the WebPage Content to HTMLFile Object With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp") .Open "GET", Web_URL, False .send HTML_Content.body.innerHTML = .responseText 'this is the highlighted part for the error End With 'Loop Through Each Table and Download it to Excel in Proper Format For Each Tab1 In HTML_Content.GetElementsByTagName("table") With HTML_Content.GetElementsByTagName("table")(iTable) For Each tr In .Rows For Each td In tr.Cells Sheets(1).Cells(iRow, iCol).Select Sheets(1).Cells(iRow, iCol) = td.innertext iCol = iCol + 1 Next td iCol = Column_Num_To_Start iRow = iRow + 1 Next tr End With iTable = iTable + 1 iCol = Column_Num_To_Start iRow = iRow + 1 Next Tab1 Set htm = Nothing Set tr = Nothing Set td = Nothing Set Tab1 = Nothing Next dan 'izbrisati ako ne zelimo petlju MsgBox "gotovo" End Sub