Prikazi cijelu temu 25.03.2018 12:28
Avko Van mreze
Registrovan od:28.05.2014

Predmet:Re: Pitanje za konekciju na server
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Website details
This is a short overview of your website details. To learn more about each feature browse icons inside control panel. Don't know how to get started? Check tutorials in community forum.
Website details
Your website is accessible at the addresses defined below. To learn how to point domain or change website address follow"How to point domain name to" tutorial
Active since    2018-03-20 09:46:55
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Statistics    Bandwidth: 0.01MB of 10000MB
Disk: 0.02MB of 1000MB
Inodes: 7 of 20000
Sent email: 0 of 50

File Upload Details (FTP)
To learn how to manage website files follow"How to upload files to 000webhost?" tutorial.
Username    zdravkododic
Password    Change password
Home directory    /storage/ssd4/265/5132265
Folder to upload files    public_html
Ftp clients    Web file manager

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Upload files with web file manager
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